Sunday, July 10, 2016

Columbus Ohio

Arrived at Alton RV Park in Columbus OH on the afternoon of July 8.  We went to the Hollywood Casino a few miles down the street. We gambled for several hours, had dinner and came out $10 ahead!

Spent the day of July 9th at the Columbus Zoo. 

We had lunch looking out on the African plain.

We went into the kangaroo area but didn't realize they could walk anywhere they wanted. I almost stepped on this little guy.

The gorillas were grooming each other.

Drove into downtown Columbus on July 10th.

We went to a neighborhood called German Village. It is a neighborhood of quant brick houses with lots of flowers, shops and restaurants. We ate at Schmidt's Sausage Haus and Restaurant. 

The food and beer was delicious!

Found a great bookstore.

Someone set this up on the sidewalk in front of their house!

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