Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cody, Wyoming/Yellowstone National Park

On July 27 we left South Dakota for Wyoming using the GPS that is programmed for the motorhome. It was a lovely drive until we hit the Big Horn Mountains. The GPS directed our 37 foot long motorhome towing a car to use Route 14 which curves up the edge of the mountain to almost 8400 ft in elevation. The road was terrifying! We could not believe that the speed limit went up to 65 mph about 3/4 of the way up the mountain!

We had to go through a tunnel on our way to Cody WY too!

 We finally arrived at the Yellowstone Valley Inn and RV Park on the banks of the Shoshone River,

The view from our campsite.

The drive into Yellowstone on July 28.


We arrived at Yellowstone through the East entrance. We had no idea that the park is as large as it is. It is larger than Rhode Island and Delaware put together. We drove 25 miles from the entrance to the Visitor Center. 

Lake Yellowstone on the drive in.

Lunch at the Fishing Bridge General Store.

We then drove 39 miles to see Old Faithful. This picture is before the eruption.

During the Eruption. The wind was blowing toward us so the sulfur spray rained on us and did it smell!

As we continued around the park we ran into a bison traffic jam.

There were hundreds of bison grazing near the road in the Hayden Valley section.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Yellowstone looks amazing!! I am not sure I would survive the winding mountain road your gps took you though. What adventures you and Chuck are having, keep the photos and updates coming. Love, Cindy
