Saturday, August 6, 2016

Pocatello, ID/Baker City, OR

On our way to Idaho on July 30 we drove through Yellowstone from the East Entrance to the West Entrance. We saw a few more bison but nothing like we saw a couple of days ago.

We crossed into Idaho not long after leaving Yellowstone. Yes, we did see potato fields.

We spent the night at Batise Springs RV Park.

The next day, July 31 we drove through Idaho crossing the Snake River quite a few times.

 We arrived in Oregon and were surprised that the terrain was prairie not green fir trees.

In both Idaho and Oregon there are Chain-up Areas on highways going into higher elevations where trucks can stop and put chains on their tires. 

Arrived at Mt. View RV Park in Baker City, OR

 On August 1 we went to the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. The Oregon Trail was a wagon road that ran from Missouri to the Oregon's Williamette Valley.

 This is a wagon that traveled the Oregon Trail in the 1880s

Exhibit in the museum.

A view of the trail from the museum.

A mile of ruts from the wagons are still visible on the Center's grounds.

Chuck standing in the ruts.

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